2024 年 7 月 20 日 你纪念哪一天?

2024 年 7 月 20 日 你纪念哪一天?

2024 年 7 月 20 日 你纪念哪一天?
2024 年 7 月 20 日 你纪念哪一天?



国际象棋插图。(PIXABAY DOC)


KOMPAS.com – 2024 年 7 月 20 日是星期六。这一天,全球都会举行国际象棋日纪念活动。

除此之外,这一天还有其他纪念和庆祝活动。以下是 2024 年 7 月 20 日发布的一些警告。




国际象棋已经发展成为一项拥有许多世界冠军的运动。 7 月 20 日后来被宣布为国际象棋日。


Kompas.id 文章

${响应.标题}`; document.querySelector('.compasidRec').innerHTML = htmlString; } else { document.querySelector(".compasidRec").remove(); } } else { document.querySelector(".compasidRec").remove(); } } }); xhr.open("GET", 端点); xhr.send();








参考《今日国家报》,世界跳跃日是由德国艺术家 Torsten Lauschmann 在 2006 年创建的。他通过自己的网站发起并推广了这个想法。


7 月 20 日,西半球各地数百万人同时迈出了这一步。如果全世界至少有 6 亿人完成一次跳跃,就被认为成功地改变了地球轨道。


直接在手机上收听突发新闻和我们精选的新闻。选择您最喜爱的新闻频道来访问 Kompas.com WhatsApp 频道:https://www.whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaFPbedBPzjZrk13HO3D。确保您已安装 WhatsApp 应用程序。




`); var wSpecStop = createElementFromHTML(`


`); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-title', item.title); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-url', itemUrl); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-campaign', 'AIML_Widget_Desktop');让 userFeedback = new UserFeedback(resultObj.engine['tracker_algsrc'], itemUrl + tracker_params, jxRecHelper, index);反应Popup.querySelector('.buttonBookmark').addEventListener('click', function() { do_bookmark(itemUrl, index, userFeedback); }); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').addEventListener('click', function() { userFeedback.event('share'); });反应Popup.querySelector('.buttonNotInterest').addEventListener('click', function() { if (getCookie('kmps_usrid')) { hideThisArt(this); userFeedback.event('不感兴趣'); } else { const ParentAction = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement if (!!parentAction) { let indexElement = ParentAction.getAttribute('data-index') if (indexElement != 'undefined') { localStorage.setItem('reaction_not_interest_temp', JSON.stringify ({ urlpage: items[indexElement].url })) } } window.location.href = "https://account.kompas.com/login/a29tcGFz/" + btoa(window.location.href); /** * 触发操作“userFeedback”,即用户之前不感兴趣的项目,当不登录而不感兴趣时 */ if (getCookie('kmps_usrid') && localStorage.getItem('reaction_not_interest_temp')) { const tempUrlNotInterest = JSON.parse(localStorage) .getItem('reaction_not_interest_temp')) if (itemUrl == tempUrlNotInterest.urlpage) { userFeedback.event('不感兴趣'); localStorage.removeItem('reaction_not_interest_temp'); } } wSpecStop.querySelector('.wSpec-stop-undo').addEventListener('click', function() { showThisArt(this); userFeedback.event('un-not-interested'); }); recItem.appendChild(buttonOption); recItem.appendChild(reactionPopup); recItem.appendChild(wSpecStop); var recItemWrapperA = createElement('a', null, null, null); recItemWrapperA.setAttribute('href', itemUrl + tracker_params); var titleDiv = createElement('h4', null, null, [cssClasses.title]); var titleTextNode = document.createTextNode(item.title); if (item.itemType == 'video') { var iconVideo = createElement('div', null, null, ['icoInline', 'icoVideo']); iconVideo.style.marginRight = '5px'; titleDiv.appendChild(iconVideo); titleDiv.appendChild(titleTextNode); var sourceDiv = null; if (item.hasOwnProperty('method')) { sourceDiv = createElement('div', null, null, [cssClasses.source], resultObj.engine['type'] + ' . 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const _jxRecSdkURL = 'https://scripts.jixie.media/jxrecsdk.1.0.min.js'; var startDate = new Date(); class OneWidget { constructor() { //这也是我们在实例化 JX rec 辅助对象时传递给它的对象: //在此实现中,大部分来自发布者页面上的选项 obj。 this._options = { accountid: '9262bf2590d558736cac4fff7978fcb1', pageurl: 'https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2024/07/18/22540071/angkat-20-juli-2024-memeringati-hari-apa-', widget_id: '1000183-6xWeiWZFIM', 类型: 'pages', 容器: 'recommended-content-choice-for-you-aiml', keywords: content_tags, title: title, customid: "1", count: 14, }; this._containerId = this._options.container; this._container = document.getElementById(this._containerId); this._engines = [{"url":"https:\/\/recommendation.jixie.media\/v1\/recommendation","method":"GET","pageurl":"https:\/\/national .kompas.com\/read\/2024\/07\/18\/22540071\/date-20-juli-2024-memeringat-hari-apa-","系统":"jx","类型":" api-1","tracker_params":"?source=widgetML","tracker_algsrc":"V","count":14,"page_status":"读取","excludeitemids":"2024071822540071"}]; } kickOff() { startDate = new Date(); 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//观察lozad lozad('.lozad', { load: function(el) { el.src = el.dataset.src; } el.onload = function() { el.classList.add('fade') } } }).observe() }) }) .catch(function(error) { console .log(`无法创建推荐小部件 ${错误.堆栈} ${错误.消息}`); }); } } var limit_gtm_ready = 1; function check_gtm_ready() { if ('ga' in window) { // 根据选项创建一个新的小部件实例 const newW = new OneWidget(); newW.kickOff(); } else { const timeout_gtm_ready = setTimeout(check_gtm_ready, 500) limit_gtm_ready += 1; if (limit_gtm_ready > 10) { 清除超时(timeout_gtm_ready); const newW = new OneWidget(); newW.kickOff(); } } } check_gtm_ready() document.querySelector('.wSpec-secret').addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let wSl = document.querySelectorAll('.wSpec-source'); if (wSl.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i { el.addEventListener('click', function() { el.parentElement.classList.toggle('-active') let saving = el.parentElement. getAttribute('数据保存') let kmps_usrid = getCookie('kmps_usrid'); if (kmps_usrid && !saved && el.parentElement.classList.contains('-active')) { let url = el.parentElement.getAttribute(' data-url'); let guid = get_guid(url); check_bookmark( kmps_usrid, guid ).then(function(resp) { if (resp.hasOwnProperty('total_data')) { if (resp.total_data > 0) { el .parentElement.querySelector('.buttonBookmark').classList.add('-active'); el.parentElement.querySelector('.buttonBookmark').innerHTML = '从保存中删除', 'true'); else { el.parentElement.setAttribute('data-saved', 'false'); console.log(e.target) if (el.contains(e.target)) { // console.log(tdd) } else { el.parentElement.classList.remove('-active') } }); }); } } function check_bookmark(kmps_usrid, guid) { let url = `https://api.kompas.com/2021/reaction/bookmark/list?kmps_usrid=${kmps_usrid}&guid=${guid}`; return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { 解析(JSON.parse( this.responseText)) } }; xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true); } function do_bookmark(pageurl, pos, userFeedback) { const wSpecItem = document.querySelector(`.wSpec-item[data-index="${pos}"]`); const btnBookmark = wSpecItem.querySelector('.buttonBookmark'); const kmps_usrid = getCookie('kmps_usrid'); const guid = get_guid(pageurl); const type = pageurl.match(/\/watch\/(\d+)/) ? '视频' : '文章'; if (kmps_usrid) { if (btnBookmark.classList.contains('-active')) { set_unbookmark({ guid: guid, kmps_usrid: kmps_usrid, type: 类型 }).then(function(resp) { btnBookmark.classList.remove( '-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = '保存文章';reactionToast('文章已成功从保存的列表中删除'); / message: "数据不存在" if (resp.hasOwnProperty('message') && resp. message.includes('exist')) { btnBookmark.classList.remove('-active'); 保存文章';reactionToast('文章成功从保存的列表中删除'); //activity.kompas.com/saved?order=desc"; set_bookmark({ guid: guid, kmps_usrid: kmps_usrid, type: type, 发布者: 'kompas', platform: 'desktop' }).then(function(resp) { btnBookmark.classList.add('-active'); btnBookmark. innerHTML = '从保存中删除';reactionToast('文章保存成功', user_bookmark_url); catch(function(resp) { // message: "数据已存在" if (resp .hasOwnProperty( 'message') && resp.message.includes('exist')) { btnBookmark.classList.add('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = '从已保存的内容中删除'reactionToast('文章保存成功', user_bookmark_url); } }) } } else { const login_url = "https://account.kompas.com/login/a29tcGFz/" + btoa(window.location.href); window.location.href = 登录网址; } } 函数 set_bookmark(data) { const url = "https://api.kompas.com/2021/reaction/bookmark/add"; return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 201) { 解析(JSON.parse( this.responseText)); } else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 400) {reject(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); true); “application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8”); } 函数 set_unbookmark(data) { const url = "https://api.kompas.com/2021/reaction/bookmark/delete"; return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { 解析(JSON.parse( this.responseText)); } else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 400) {reject(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); true); “application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8”); } 类 UserFeedback { 构造函数(engine, pageurl, jxRecHelper, pos) { this.engine = engine; this.pageurl = pageurl; this.jxRecHelper = jxRecHelper; this.pos = 帖子; } 事件(反馈){ if (this.engine == 'C') { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();让 params = { 域名: 'kompas.com', ce_userid: getCookie('kmps_usrid'), ce_sessionid: getCookie('ukid'), ce_pageurl: this.pageurl, 引擎: 'C', ce_feedback: 反馈 } xmlhttp.open( "GET", 'https://apis.kgdata.dev/v1/aiml/feedback-widgetml' + formatParams(params)); xmlhttp.send(); } else if (this.engine == 'V') { if (feedback == 'share') { this.jxRecHelper.shared(this.pos); } else if (feedback == '保存') { this.jxRecHelper.bookmarked(this.pos); } else if (feedback == '不感兴趣') { this.jxRecHelper.hidden(this.pos); } else if (feedback == '不感兴趣') { this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(this.pos); } } } } function formatParams(params) { return "?" + Object .keys(params) .map(function(key) { return key + "= +encodeURIComponent(params[key]) }) .join("&") } document.addEventListener("click", function(e ){ let dx = document.querySelectorAll('[data-dropdown]') if(dx) { dx.forEach(function(el){ if(el.contains(e.target)) { el.parentElement.classList.toggle ('-active') } else { el.parentElement.classList.remove('-active') } }) } })






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